Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last Friday Night...

...wasn't as exciting as a Katy Perry song, but for this family it seemed to be. There was a thunderstorm, complete with lightening, hail and torrential downpours, that opened up over Monza last night. And while a hearty New Englander like myself didn't bat an eye when the power went out, these people were excited. I mean taking-pictures-of-the-flooding-streets excited.

I guess they don't get weather like this a lot, and the city's drain systems don't seem to be built for it, which is why the streets overflowed, I think. And with a storm like that, thus begins my transition back to New England.

One more day in this place. I literally wasn't sure this morning as the twins refused to eat and get dressed (yet again) if I could make it that long without strangling one of them. Everyone cross your fingers that we all make it out alive!

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