Friday, June 10, 2011

Spoke Too Soon.

Did I say relaxing summer?

A note on the young Italian children I've so far encountered. There kind of seems to be no disciplining them (which is not helping me do my job sometimes.) If they don't want to do something, they can throw a tantrum and not be in trouble for anything. And it's not just my host family- a lot of the children I see when I pick the kids up at school misbehave and their mothers do nothing about it, or they simply roll their eyes and chase after them. Am I too rigid? Maybe I should let kids be kids. (After all, I don't have to deal with them in 2 months.)

When Italian children feel like being good, though, it's fun. Today Maxi and I blew bubbles for the better part of an hour, and listening to the Monzan breeze while sharing his pure enjoyment was the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. Even if it did rain.

Yeah, it's been raining. On and off for 2 weeks, I'm told. Which is fine, but I haven't really had the chance to go out and explore Monza at all. Well, that's what my day off is for- this Tuesday!

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